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About us

“Excellence in art and culture needs equally excellent strategies and structures.”

It must therefore be a central concern of politics to promote such quality sustainably and to create the best preconditions for the further development of culture and (lifestyle) cultures in the city by means of suitable framework conditions, up-to-date structures and new projects.

The aim is to provide services that support the framework conditions for artistic work methods and processes. Excellence is created by concentrating on the essentials. Sustainability in cultural politics requires the strategic development of concrete measures: the search for synergies.

This strategy for a cultural policy, as defined in the coalition agreement of the City of Vienna, forms the basis of our work.

Our goal

The City of Vienna’s principal interest in the cultural sector is to combine competencies and activities and efficiently utilize existing resources at all levels of planning, management and monitoring in administration, production, communication and distribution.

This strategic orientation is based on cultural policy, as well as on artistic, content-related, economic and organisational aspects. The idea of a networked management of the arts and culture should be increasingly promoted in order to exploit every opportunity and potential. Cultural plurality and artistic autonomy should be preserved in any case.

On the one hand, combining structures and competences is intended to achieve an increase in the quality and output of services, particularly the central services, on the other hand, combining them should also lead to a qualified cost reduction, e.g. in the area of business administration and facility management.


The new limited liability company Kultur Raum Wien GmbH, founded in April 2024, is intended to serve as a supporting organisation and organisational umbrella for the artistic and cultural projects of the City of Vienna.

One of the principal aspects of this non-profit limited liability company, of which the City of Vienna is the sole shareholder, is the development and administration of the city’s cultural infrastructure.