KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH
Südtiroler Platz 5/25
1040 Vienna
Information according to §5 E-Commerce-Law and disclosure according to § 25 Media Law
Service provider and media owner
KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH
Südtiroler Platz 5/25, 1040 Vienna
Commercial register number
Registered office
Commercial register court
VAT registration number
Managing director
1. Content of the Online Offering
KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH will vouch for the correctness and accuracy of the website’s contents according to its best knowledge and belief. However, KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH is not liable for the topicality, correctness, completeness, or quality of the information supplied. Liability claims towards the KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH referring to material or non-material damage resulting from the use or non-use of the information supplied, or from the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are generally excluded.
All offers are non-binding and without obligation. KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH explicitly reserves the right to alter, complement, or delete parts of this website or the entire contents thereof without notice, or to discontinue publication either temporarily or permanently.
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KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH disclaims any liability for the contents provided by third parties that are referred to this website directly or indirectly (“links”).
KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the current or future design, contents, or authorship of linked websites. Thus, KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH herewith explicitly declines all responsibility for the entire contents of off-site or linked pages. The provider of a linked website bears sole responsibility for any illegal, incorrect, or incomplete information it may contain, and especially for the damage resulting from the use or non-use of such information, whereas the one who only refers to published information via links cannot be held responsible.
3. Copyright and Trademark Law
Kultur Raum Wien GmbH makes a point of respecting the copyrights for texts, images, artworks, video sequences, and audio documents used in all of its publications, as well as of using texts, images, artworks, video sequences, and audio documents produced by KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH itself or its contract parties, or of referring to licence-free texts, images, artworks, video sequences, and audio documents.
All of the identification marks or logos displayed within the online offering and possibly protected by third parties are subject to the legal provisions of the respective trademark law in force and governed by the proprietary rights of the respective registered owner. The mere fact that a trademark, service mark, or logo is displayed does not suggest that it is not protected and that no titles of third parties are involved.
The copyright for published materials produced by KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH or its contract parties rests solely with KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH. Any reproduction or use of such artworks, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed media without the explicit consent of KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH is strictly prohibited. This does not apply for the press documents (press releases, press photos, biographies, etc.), which can be downloaded in a press-kit. This material may only be used free of charge for reviews on the respective projects or the activities of KRW Kultur Raum Wien GmbH. It must not be used for commercial purposes.