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Support for strategic processes in the cultural sector in order to create new spaces

There is great design and innovation potential in the development and management of the city’s cultural infrastructure.

On the one hand, this involves supporting strategic processes in the cultural sector in relation to public or publicly accessible spaces in Vienna and, if necessary, their cultural management and basic cultural positioning.

Our tasks also include communicating these processes and implementing cultural programs. This further involves networking and cooperating with a wide range of arts and cultural institutions, as well as maintaining national and international contacts.

On the other hand, it is about developing strategies and key indicators, as well as guidelines, as the basic reasoning for the necessity of new cultural spaces, discussing them with the responsible city planning departments and other business groups, and introducing and anchoring them in the relevant committees and planning processes.

Future Centre for
Children’s Culture

In an initial phase, Kultur Raum Wien GmbH is acting as the support organisation for the future Centre for Children’s Culture in Floridsdorf and as its organizational umbrella.

The new Centre for Children’s Culture will, on the one hand, provide a second location for the ZOOM Children’s Museum and, on the other hand, house the new Children’s Literature House. The forward-looking Centre for Children’s Culture is to be positioned as a place of shared cultural experience and encounter. In one of the most populous suburbs of Vienna, children and young people will be offered the opportunity to gain initial insights into the world of art and literature at a low threshold and to have a place for cross-generational leisure activities, empowerment, openness and a sense of being welcome.

Our services include the following areas:

  • Basic cultural positioning of the new House of Children’s Culture in Floridsdorf
  • Supervision of the renovation, conversion and furnishing work
  • House management

For the new Centre for Children’s Culture, the base area of an existing building is being renovated and adapted to the needs of the two users.

The start of the (re)construction is planned for autumn 2025, the opening for autumn 2027.